Friday, August 7, 2009

WK1 Show Me What You Know Project

Using technology in the classroom is what sets me apart in my classroom. As I learn more about Web2.0 tools and various 21st Century skills, I do what I can to find a way to implement what I've learned within my classroom curriculum. I signed up for Full Sail in order to enhance what I know and become a more efficient and effective impact on today's learner. So.. let me share a little of what I know... Just press play

I also enjoy using animoto for photo storage and display. Check this out.

One of my favorite applications to use is GarageBand. I use it personally for recording my own vocal tracks when teaching a song to my praise team. I'll record each part individually on top of the music track and give a copy to each member for rehearsal purpose. My own little studio. However educational uses are explained here...

(This is the audio version only. If you want to view the audio with images, access the second podbean player and go to the website.

With Images

Onto video... I use imovie, screenium and screenflow to use and produce movies in my classroom. I have a website where I place tutorials for my students to use for specific projects. Go ahead and click the link and take a look. When you're done come on back for more.

Hopefully you noticed the tools I was attempted to teach my students. Which brings me to the last thing I would like to mention.

I like to use various Web2.0 tools in the classroom like:


I also like to use mapping tools like Mapvivo and wikispaces (which you can't get to because my subscription does not renew until the school year begins) However, if you looked at the tutorial website, there was a tutorial for using our wikespaces page. Finally, I love you blogger to post information. During our last project I used a project blog: Smittie Is Watching to guide my students through their projects. I had them set up an RSS feed to their project blogs so that whenever I made an update announcement, they would automatically get the feed on their blog sites. The tutorial site and the podcasting sites both utilize iWeb which I'm getting better at and will probably use exclusively this coming school year.

Hope it wasn't too much.


1 comment:

  1. Great job. Love the different examples of your media use. Love Animoto.
