Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Month 9 and Doing Fine... well, just OK!

This is Week 1 of MAC (Media Asset Creations) EDM613. I'm very excited about the way this all beginning. I can’t believe that this program’s life span has gone by so quickly. I just finished my last GSM project, drank some water, took a deep breath and dove right into the next class. I’m excited about this month because it looks like I’ll have the opportunity to finally hone in on my media strengths and see how it all fits together in making more of an impact in the lives of my immediate and future students and staff. I figured I would go ahead and start my blog and make it apart of my vCard, especially since the tutorial was so well done. I enjoy having an instructor that doesn’t just say here, go do this, but instead, leads by example by actually instructing you on how it is to be done most effectively and having his/her personal example to guide us. So, let’s get this party started!

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